what is the role of saliva in the digestion of food

What Is the Role of Saliva in the Digestion of Food?

Hello friends, today in this article we will learn the questions of Class 10th Biology easily and that is the question of Class 10th. What is the role of saliva in the digestion of food, We will know its answer in simple language. So that you can get good marks in your exam and understand well what is the role of saliva in the digestion of food after understanding this question, you can answer it anywhere and to any person. If you can tell the answer to the role of saliva in the digestion of food, then let us know the answer in a better way.

What Is the Role of Saliva in the Digestion of Food

In this question, it is basically explained that what is the role of saliva in the digestion of food. So basically it is saliva which is used by moisters. The meaning of the word moisters is to moisten the food. So it is saliva which is the spitting that comes out from your tongue. The liquid that comes out of your tongue, then this saliva moistens the food so that this food becomes easily swollen.

Apart from this, saliva contains a digestive enzyme which we call salivary amylase, which is salivary amylase, which generally breaks down the starch in our food into sugar, so basically, this is the simple use of saliva. Now you must have understood about the digestion of food, if not, then it does not matter. We understand this in what is the role of saliva in the digestion of food short answer.

The answer which I have told you above is perfect for your exam answer and I am telling you what is the role of saliva in the digestion of food class 10th it and answer. Your queries are of different types like what is the role of saliva in the digestion of food class 10 NCERT, what is the role of saliva in the digestion of food in points and what is the role of saliva in the digestion of food answer so I am telling you more answers. Remember whatever answer you like and write that answer in your exam, you will get good marks.

What Is the Role of Saliva in the Digestion of Food Class 10th NCERT?

The saliva in our mouth contains an enzyme. That enzyme is salivary amylase. Now what does salivary amylase do, then the salivary amylase that keeps starch? Whatever food we eat, the starch gets converted into sugars right from the beginning or we can say, it gets converted into maltose.

So what happens is the saliva that remains in the mouth itself means when we eat food, saliva comes at the same time, then all the starches that remain inside the food, it converted into sugar.

So let us now understand saliva in the digestion of food with a diagram. When starch + salivary amylase remains, sugars are formed. There is starch inside the food and when salivary amylase reacts to it, it forms sugars.

what is the role of saliva in the digestion of food short answer
What Is the Role of Saliva in the Digestion of Food Very Short Answer

So when we eat roti, it will not go straight down the throat. First of all, we have to chew the roti properly, then While chewing, saliva is secreted in our mouth and it converts all the starch present in sugars.

There is another role of saliva, then the saliva that remains, cleans all the cavities of the mouth and at the same time works to moisten the teeth so that our teeth can chew it well. Because a big piece remains of the food, it can be converted into a small form very well, that’s why saliva helps.

What Is the Role of Saliva in the Digestion of Food Class 10th Short Answer?

This is a very famous question of class 10th and it is a question. What is the role of saliva in the digestion of food Class 10th NCERT is often asked in exams. Once you read it carefully, you will understand it well. So let’s start understanding what is the role of saliva in the digestion of food. So first what is saliva, so saliva is called spit.

As we open the mouth, whatever empty space is there in the mouth, we call it the mouth cavity and spit remains in the mouth cavity and this spit comes from three pairs of glands. This saliva comes out and many times in the objective exam it is asked about the number of salivary glands in our oral cavity, then the answer is 6 or 3 pairs.

Now we have understood, what is saliva and where it comes from, so now we understand digestion, what is the role of saliva in digestion, and know the answers in points!

  1. Saliva plays an important role in the digestion of food. Saliva mixes with food and forms a lump of food so that the food can be easily removed.
  2. An enzyme called amylase or salivary amylase (Ptyalin) is found in saliva which helps digest carbohydrates.
  3. Saliva also acts as a germ killer. Saliva also kills the bacteria present in our food.

What Is Saliva in Simple Language?

Some students are still confused about what it is. Saliva is the watery fluid that comes out of the salivary gland in the oral cavity.

The Function of Saliva in Simple Language

Today most of the students do not know the function of saliva, so let us know the function of saliva in easy language so that students can score well in the exam.

  • To help digest the food.
  • To help make the food moist.
  • Soft and provides help to swallow the food.
  • Saliva also helps to feel the taste of food.
  • Saliva also acts as a water balance in the body.
  • Saliva provides protection by destroying small micro-organisms present in the food.


I hope that you have read this article thoroughly and you have understood it well. What is the role of saliva in the digestion of food and now you will not have any tension. Because from now on you will know the role of saliva in the digestion of food and now you will be able to use it in your You will be able to write its answers well in the exam and pass with good marks. If you did not understand what is the role of saliva in the digestion of food class 10th then read this article again. You will understand by reading again. Thank you!

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