how to call lord shiva for help

How to Call Lord Shiva for Help

Today, all the people in this world face problems in their lives due to some reason or another. If you ask any person, everyone will say that there are problems in my life. Problems do not go away from life. So I want to tell you that Lord Shiva and all Gods have said that if you are a human being then trouble and difficulty will come in your life. But you will definitely get happiness in your life. Problems come and go in life but happiness always remains. So let us know how to call Lord Shiva in trouble, and how to call Lord Shiva for help to solve your problem.

10 Ways How to Call Lord Shiva for Help

In the Hindu religion, it is believed that if we want to ask for any boon or help from Lord Shiva, then we will have to work very hard and go to some quiet place like the Himalayas, mountains, etc and do penance. We will have to do penance for 10 to 20 years or throughout our life. And when Lord Shiva is pleased with us then we can ask anything from God. And God can give us anything.

But how true or false is this? Nobody knows. We have seen it only in books, scriptures, and TV serials. You and I have not seen such people to date, who have actually done penance to Lord Shiva and given whatever he asked for.

Even today there are many people who go to the Himalayas and perform penance of Lord Shiva. And when he comes back from the Himalayas he says, I have seen Lord Shiva and now I can tell about any person, I have a lot of power, etc. You must have seen many such babas, hypocritical babas, and you will call them fraudsters or genuine people. Your answer can be anything. But you should not worship any Baba or any person. Just worship God.

So if you are in any trouble and how can you call Lord Shiva in your trouble. So that God can help you in your problem. So let us know how to call Lord Shiva for trouble. 10 ways by which God can help his beloved devotees in their troubles. I will not tell you any such mantra by which you can call Lord Shiva for your help by reciting that mantra. In this article we will know 10 such tips through which you can really how to call lord shiva for help and God will definitely come to you to help you.

10. Always Believe in Yourself

If we do any work, we do not know what will be the result of that work. So if you are doing some good work and have been doing it continuously for three-four months and sometimes you lose the belief in your mind that we worked hard for four months and we did not get any results. Therefore Lord Shiva and other gods say that if you are doing any good work with dedication and faith. Then you will definitely get its results. If you do any work with full dedication and confidence for 6 months, you will get into the habit of doing that work and you will become very good at it.

So if you are calling God for your help then let me tell you that God is with every human being. If you are calling God for help because you are not getting results in any work. So in such a situation, if you follow Lord Shiva, you will not get results till then. Unless you do that work with dedication and faith, if you are doing any good work with full faith and dedication, then Lord Shiva will definitely come to help you.

9. Never Let Others Down

You are eating and drinking well in your life and are very strong and healthy, but you do not understand anything about others. You are always busy in belittling others that no one can compete with me. I am the only good and rich person in this world. So if you also do this then you should not do this at all. You should not consider any person less than you. Because God has created all the people in this world differently and all the people have different skills. All people can do anything in their life.

So if you are calling Lord Shiva for your help and by doing so you are insulting people. And if you do not understand anyone then Lord Shiva will never come to your help. Lord Shiva will come to your help only if you respect all other people and do not let anyone down. You will treat all people with respect. Therefore, when you will not let people down and call Lord Shiva for your help, then Lord Shiva will definitely come to your help and will definitely help you.

8. Always Helping Everyone

Sometimes it might have happened to you that when you are in trouble, you ask for help from someone and others help you. But when other people ask you for help and you do not help them then it is your big mistake. So please help all the people. No matter who the people are in the world, it is the responsibility of all of us to help everyone.

If we always help everyone then God also always helps us in our troubles. If you are safe and can help people well then you should definitely help. Otherwise, no one of this time knows that anything can happen at any time, if you help people then you can call Lord Shiva for help with your problems and Lord Shiva will definitely come to help.

7. Discrimination Based on Caste and Religion

If you are from a good caste and you have good respect in the society. And you are rich in the society and you are from a good caste and religion and you do good to everyone. But you discriminate a lot on the basis of caste and religion. So God doesn’t like this at all. Because all human beings have respect before God. When God does not discriminate among humans then who are we to discriminate among humans? Every person believes in a different God. People of all religions have different gods.

But everyone definitely worships God. So if you discriminate on the basis of caste and religion then you should not do so otherwise Lord Shiva will never come to help you. According to Lord Shiva, all human beings are respected irrespective of their caste, religion, colour, appearance, and other things and all are democratic. Therefore one should never discriminate on the basis of caste and religion. If you do not discriminate on the basis of caste and religion, then whenever you call Lord Shiva for help, Lord Shiva will definitely come.

6. Refrain from Bad Deeds

If you live with the wrong people and consume the wrong things like cigarettes, alcohol, etc. then you should not do this. Because consuming the wrong things is very bad for your health. So if you do wrong in any way. If you have done only bad deeds in your life, then leave your bad deeds from today itself. This is because God does not live with people who do bad things and always the person who does bad things goes to hell.

Therefore, if you ever get stuck in some trouble and call Lord Shiva for help, Lord Shiva will not help you. Unless you stop doing bad things. If you want Lord Shiva to help you then you will have to leave all your bad deeds forever.

5. Keep Up the Good Work

In life, you only do bad things and you do bad things in such a way that it helps people and makes people feel good. So you do it all the time. But a bad deed is a bad deed. Therefore, do good things in your life and say goodbye to bad things from your life forever. If you do good work then when you call Lord Shiva for help, Lord Shiva will definitely help you.

4. Never Be Greedy

People who are greedy always have greed in their minds. In such a situation that person is the most worthless person before God because the person who is greedy in everything is also greedy in money. He is becoming greedy by playing gambling. If someone is greedy in other things then God never supports such people. Because people who are greedy do not consider another person as anything. Be it family or God. If you want Lord Shiva to help you then you have to remove greed from within you. Every person’s greed is different. Therefore, if you have any kind of greed in your mind, then remove that greed from you forever.

3. Only Thinking About Your Own Good

If you also think only about your own well-being and do not think about anyone else’s well-being, then you are doing a lot of wrong in your life. If you think only about your own welfare in every action of your life and do not think about the welfare of other people, then God never helps those people. People who think about their own well-being, if you also think about your own well-being and do not think about the well-being of any other person. So you are doing a big wrong thing. God will support you only when you think about the welfare of others.

2. Remember God Wholeheartedly

No matter what religion or caste you belong to and in what way you worship God. But if you do not worship God with your heart and mind then God will never be with you. Because the person who worships God by going to a temple or a mosque just for show. And if they do not have love for God in their heart, then in such a situation God does not support those people. So if you also worship God with a true heart and keep doing good works. God will definitely help you with your problem.

how to call lord shiva for help?
Lord Shiva for Helping Serve Parents

1. Serving Parents

No matter how rich you become in life and no matter how much you worship any God. Unless you serve your parents, you will never achieve happiness and joy in your life. You will have to face many problems in your life. Even God will never come to help you in your trouble. So whether you trust someone or not. If you serve your parents then God helps you in trouble.

Lord Shiva and other gods have said that God is in your house. It is with you. If you serve your parents. He obeys everything his parents say. If we always keep our parents happy then in a way our parents are God’s honour. Therefore serve your parents. God will show you good paths and whenever you call Lord Shiva in any problem, God will definitely help you.


So this is how we learned that parents are like God. If we do only good works on earth. So God is with us. In this article we learned how to call lord shiva for help, so by following these 10 steps you can definitely meet Lord Shiva. I have written this article only for education. You will not find any kind of discrimination in this. In this article, we learned those things which will really make Lord Shiva happy with us. If we always follow these 10 tasks then Lord Shiva will definitely help us.

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