how is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings

How Is Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transported in Human Beings

We know that in today’s time, everything is becoming possible only because of science. Through science, we are able to know about the movement of our Earth, Moon, Sun, etc. Of these, all of you had a question in your mind how is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings? Today we will know the answer to this in this article and will know about the systems of our body and many things like oxygen and carbon dioxide etc. So that you can learn science in a good way. Be prepared and you should be in a quiet place whenever you study science. With this, your mind will be able to understand something better.

Human Body System

The structure of our human body is very complex which requires many systems working together. One of them is the digestive system. There are digestive systems in which the food we eat is processed. By digesting it, nutrition is absorbed by our body, and waste products are removed from the body.

The organs working under your digestive system are the mouth, stomach, etc. After that, we will talk about the respiratory system.

There are emissions of gases within the respiratory system. We take in oxygen and our body releases carbon dioxide. The organs that come under this are Macavity, diaphragm, etc. After this, we will talk about the excretory system.

Excretory System Many chemical reactions take place in our body and due to chemical reactions, waste products like urea, ammonia, and carbon dioxide are excreted from our body in the form of the excretory system, which we call the excretory system. After this, we will talk about the skeletal system.

So under the skeletal system, a boon and join together form a skeletal system and its function is. Providing protection and movement to the body. After this, we will talk about the endocrine System!

Under the endocrine system, our body releases hormones. This hormone is released by the glands in our body. Like the gallbladder and Pancreas, all these hormones are released. That’s why we call them endocrine systems. After this, we talk about the nervous system.

So the nervous system works to control the body. The nervous system is divided into two parts. The first is the central nervous system and the second is the peripheral nervous system. The brain system is under the central nervous system. Algophobia (Fear of Pain) system i the autonomic and somatic nervous system. After this, we talk about the muscular system.

Under the muscular system, we know about muscles, tendons, and cartons. These also act as movement and protectors in our bodies. After this let’s talk about the reproductive system.

A reproductive system that works to protect our human body, the male reproductive system is different, and the female reproductive system is different. After this, we talk about the immune system.

The immune system is the defense mechanism of our body, it protects our body from bacteria and viruses. After that, we will talk about the integumentary system.

The integumentary contains skin, hair, and water. It works for the production and waterproofing of our bodies. It also handles temperature, so all these are systems of our body.

Transport of Oxygen

One thing you have to keep in mind is that oxygen is transported in two parts. One is in dissolved form and the other is in combined form and as you understand, very little oxygen is transferred in the dissolved form. But in combined form, the transport of oxygen occurs much faster. There will be three percent oxygen transport in dissolved and 97 percent in combined.

In dissolved form, 0.30 ml is present and 0.17 ml of oxygen is transported. There are 19.7 ml present inside the combined and out of this, 5 ml of oxygen is transported. If a person is exercising then it can be 50ml. But normally tissue can be transported with 5ml. So now you must have understood how oxygen is transported.

Transport of Carbon Dioxide

First of all, CO2 is transported in three ways. First of all, we need to know how much CO2 is transported overall. There is 4ml of CO2 in 100ml of blood. From tissue to lungs, I am talking about a normal person. If you exercise, it can make a difference.

CO2 is transported in three ways. The first is the dissolved form which remains inside the plasma. The second corb is in the form of amino and the third is in the form of bicarbonate. Most of the transport is in the form of bicarbonate. About 7% is transported in dissolved form. Carbonium compounds have a percentage of 23% and the maximum we know is bicarbonate, which is 70%. Let us now talk about how this happens.

CO2 is produced by cells and CO2 will go to two places, one into red blood cells and the other into plasma. When CO2 goes into the blood it will combine with H2O to form organic anemonium. Now you will know that hemoglobin is a buffer. It is a very powerful acid-base buffer. Hemoglobin then became H+. It will combine with HGH to form Hgb – H+.

How Is Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transported in Human Beings Class 10 NCERT

Class 10th Science Questions how is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings. How are oxygen and carbon dioxide transferred inside humans? So first of all we will know the transport of oxygen which are respiratory pigments, like hemoglobin which are present in red blood cells. They take oxygen from the air. And then it reaches the lungs.

This happens in the lungs when oxygen goes to the tissues because they lack oxygen, then the hemoglobin is present in the red blood cells. It takes oxygen from the air and transports it. Tissues that are deficient in oxygen.

If we look at carbon dioxide in transport, carbon dioxide is more soluble in water, so most of the transport is done in soluble form because it is transported only after making it water soluble, so when it is taken inside the body tissues When the patient goes there, he takes the blood plasma from there. Then it spreads into the blood and whatever is in the blood spreads into the air and goes out through the nostrils, thus transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide inside our body!

how is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings short answer
How is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings short answer
how is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings class 10 solutions
How is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings class 10 solutions

You can also remember the answer from the picture. You see above because in this picture the answer to how is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings class 10 NCERT has been written for you in brief. And if you want to know in brief how is oxygen and carbon dioxide If you want to read transported in human beings class 10 NCERT then you can read the article. Read it carefully. You will also get answers to your questions and you will also know well how is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings.


I know very well about the question asked by you, how is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings. If you are a student or you are preparing for any government job then you should read this article carefully. Today by reading this article you will learn something good in your life and know about the questions and answers of your exam. Due to this, you will get good marks in your examination and you and your family will be very happy with you. Good Marks, only then you will perform well in your exam if you read this article carefully. Thanks.

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